The score of the special promotion in 2024 was announced on May 31,Hubei Xiaogan Meijia Vocational bet365 live online casinoCollege's first 475 graduates,There are 110 registration,39 students get their wishes。

Hubei Xiaogan Meijia Vocational College is a newly -held higher vocational college,Admissions began in 2021。But the school regards the quality of teaching as a lifeline bet365 Play online gamesfor development,Grab various teaching links for "preparing for teaching aids",Implement weekly test for students、Monthly Moon Exam,and meet the development needs of students in different categories,Targeted tutoring for students with a professional desire。The slogan proposed bet365 casino blackjackby Meijia is: Do not let a student fall behind,Let every parent rest assured。”

Take the International Business School as an example,The first graduates are promoted to the exam of 25 people,Admission 15 people,Among them, 6 people are admitted to foreign language majors、bet365 casino blackjackAccounting major admission 9 people,Application success rate is 60 %,One of 4 people in the graduates will be ascended,Employment、Shengben is not wrong。
